Our new dust-jacket!
Since last October, Louise Anderson has been working with Big Fag Lucas as an “intern”, helping out with print and design related tasks on whatever project happens to be on the go.
We’ve loved having Louise around. She helps us to organise ourselves a bit better, and she doesn’t hesitate to tell us we’re crazy when we explain our “normal” methods of doing things. Needless to say, we’ve improved our methods a bit thanks to her.
But one of the most satisfying things Louise has done for us is to design and sew the handsome navy blue dust jacket you see in the picture above. The press needs to be protected from dust, and even though it sits in its own sealed garage, leaves and dust inevitably make their way into the workshop, where they wreak havoc on our desire to “get it right” when printing. So a dust jacket like this is essential.
The jacket rolls up on the broomstick which slots through the end nearest to us in the photo: one person can roll it off at the start of a printing day, and pop it back on again afterwards. Note the crisp white overlocked seams. Louise is actually a refugee from fashion design school, and we’re proudly introducing her to the chaos of working within an art context. Sometimes, like in the fabrication of our new dust jacket, the two worlds collide, quite nicely.