Bad Press is an artist-run printing collective in Sydney, Australia. We have a beautiful old offset proof-press which can produce excellent large-scale prints in limited editions, up to B1 size.

Starting in 2004, our collective began operating under the name of Big Fag Press. In 2024 we changed our name to Bad Press. See here for more info about our renaming.

We have been in continuous operation since 2004, in three different Sydney locations (Alexandria, Woolloomooloo, and now Glebe). 

Our team consists of experienced artists and designers, as well as emerging creative producers. We love collaborating with each other, and we look forward to working with you!

Get in touch by email: bad.press.offset@gmail.com

Find us on Facebook and Instagram: @badpressoffset

We are located in Glebe, Sydney, NSW, Australia.
Please visit us! 
click here for our address. 


We are grateful to the City of Sydney - our workshop is part of the CoS subsidised Creative Spaces program.


WHo We are

Current Members:

Rhonda Murray

Lucas Ihlein 

Diego Bonetto 

Eloise Lindeback

Mickie Quick


Members currently not active:

John Demos (deceased - honorary life member)

John Causley

Louise Kate Anderson

Clementine Barnes

Pat Armstrong 



Big beauties like our F.A.G.104 Offset Proof Press have been deemed commercially unviable all over the western world. They have been getting shipped to India or China, or failing such entrepreneurialism, to the local scrap-metal yard.

Our machine is an offset proof press. In the cut-throat world of graphic design, the time and care it takes to produce a proof print on an offset press has been sacrificed to make way for quick digital proofs. Printed on machines that take up one twentieth of the space, proof printing is now just a quick means to check alignments and spellings in the design.

In 2004, one unfortunate printer in Sydenham (an inner-Sydney suburb) didn’t see this change coming, and went bust. The liquidation auction was very sad. Nobody wanted his equipment despite the large number of print professionals in the room. Instead, they just picked over the carcasses of his office furniture.

Having received a tip off from our local Master Printer, Jens Hausch, we attended the auction and placed the winning (and only) bid on the big beautiful F.A.G. 104 Offset Proof Press.

Our bid was fifty dollars.

The gavel came down, and to the astonishment of all in the room, the machine was ours. Immediately, our bidder, Mickie, was surrounded by old printing gentlemen, who were curious as to how any commercial use of this machine could be possible. One ol’ timer shuffled over, sized him up, and said “I guess we’re gonna see your handywork on telegraph poles all around town, eh?”

Although cheap to buy, this behemoth sure aint cheap to transport. Our first real expense was hoiking the 4 tonne beast into our warehouse, “The Barn”, in Alexandria.

Ever since, we’ve been getting intimate with the machine, thanks to lessons from our guru Jens Hausch, and the patience and goodwill of all the artists who we’ve been privileged to work with.

While the press is not “commercially viable” for high volumes or “everyday job printing”, it’s been a real boon for artists and activists in our networks.

The Next Chapter…

In 2010, we moved our press to The Woolloomooloo Depot, a facility owned by City of Sydney and administered by First Draft Gallery. Our printing adventures with the local community in Woolloomooloo included the project Green Bans Art Walks in 2011, as well as various emerging and accessible artist residency programmes.

Glebe: The final frontier

In 2014, we made the move to Glebe, where you find us now – and hopefully for a long time to come. Our new home is in a vaulted space under the light rail viaduct at Jubilee Park. A lovely spot next to the Glebe Hockey Club, Footy Club, and Mens Shed. Big thanks to the City of Sydney’s Accommodation Grants Scheme for this great venue.

In 2024, we changed our name from Big Fag Press to Bad Press. Read more about the renaming here.