Making business cards as good neighbours practice
Here at the ‘ducts there are several organisations, and as we settling in the neighbourhood we became friends with all of them. Some are open during the day, some at night, some on weekends.
We have the local Australian Football League, the Glebe Greyhounds, the Glebe District Hockey Club , a community band rehearsal room, Glebe Music Project, the local grounds keeper for the Jubilee Park oval, and the Pyrmont Ultimo Glebe Mens Shed.
This is all great folks, each providing services and engaging with community and mostly run on a volunteer basis.
We are in a new location so we had to update our business cards, same as PUG Mens Shed, who also moved in at the ‘ducts with the same intake, thanks to the supported accommodation grants scheme by the City of Sydney.
As we help each other a lot down here, we decide to split a plate and print ours and PUG Mens Shed cards pro-bono, and we had fun in the process too!
You can imagine all of this old folks how interested they were in taking part in the process, curious of the workings of such a big mechanical wonder that is the Big Fag.
Below a photographic recount of the exercise, thanks Men, great working with youse and big big props to John Causley, intern form UoW, who did an amazing job withe the negotiation, design and prepress for the print. Well done, 5 stars 🙂
We’d would like to thank KW Doggett for sponsoring the paper stock for this! Thanks guys 🙂