
The Fagette Duplicator, recently acquired “little sister of the big fag press” was launched last week at the LiveZine Printacular Event.

The night was a big success, we raised some sorely-needed funds to go towards paying off the machine, and a hilarious evening was had by all. See more pictures here.

The above picture shows Pam and Michael from Imagetec showing Sarah the ropes on the new riso machine. Imagetec sold us the printer, and have been super-supportive in helping us get it up and running, not to mention showering us with free accessories.

Incidentally, if anyone is interested and inspired to get involved, the Fagette still needs fund-injections to help get it on its feet. Please do get in touch if you’d like to give or lend us some cash to support DIY printing in Sydney!

Eloise Lindeback