Backgammon games night at SYDNEY to raise funds for the Fagette Duplicator
Backgammon Saloon
8pm TUES 3rd June ‘08
Sydney, 302 Cleveland Street, Sth West Surry Hills
The backgammon Saloon is a super fun night with lots of backgammon, consuming a whole bunch of alcohol (or turkish tee if you dont want to drink) and an outlandish performance. We’ve made a whole lot of screenprinted backgammon boards, a rules of play instruction sheet and also made backgammon pieces by spray painting beer caps for the evening.
There will be backgammon sets and tshirts for sale on the evening to raise money for the Fagette Duplicator!
For more information see below for a description of the Fagette Duplicator. Also be sure to check out the SYDNEY website and the Fagette Duplicator site
The Fagette Duplicator: Little sister of The Big Fag, and the bastard child of social media!
The Fagette is a ’stencil press’ that prints a unique and beautiful quality. Stencil presses are best known to most of us through the old Gestetner machines that once sat in the offices of our schools before the photocopier came along. These machines are still used in many schools and churches however the technology has dramatically improved. Stencil presses are now digital, multi-colour, high definition, and incredibly fast, making them ideal for just-in-time, fast, and easy printed matter. From book-making to printing zines, posters and flyers, The Fagette Duplicator will deliver again and again and again – and again.
The Fagette IS social media involving arts-anti-heroes, metropolitan activists, underground writers, urban researchers, garage rockers and self-publishers of all walks.
The home of The Fagette is Little Fish Gallery at 22 Enmore Rd. Come by and have a look!